The aim of the new format is to enhance exchange between (former) students and share ideas and thoughts, just brainstorm together about a topic we all are passionate about – sport psychology!
Therefore, we will meet online on a regular basis (every two months, first Wednesday). As a club member, you will get the opportunity to discuss actual topics spotted in the sport world through a sport psychological perspective or discuss general work-related concerns. However, as in the past, you will also have the possibility to discuss specific questions/issues you may face within your work or studies.
We are looking forward to fruitful and fun discussions.
All you have to do is to join the meeting via a zoom link (received via mail after your registration).
Prepare your case-report (for PCS only)
Comittee confirms your attendance and shares the meeting link
Enjoy the session! :-)
each 7:30 pm
08.02. / PCS
05.04. / PCS
07.06. / PCS
02.08. / PCS
04.10. / PCS
06.12./ PCS - Christmas special
Our peer-consultation sessions adhere to the standard of confidentiality in psychology. Before participating all members need to complete an online consent and confidentiality agreement. This is a one-time request. Members who did not inscribe are not eligible to participate.
/ Peer-consultation committee
Pia Zajonz
If you would like to get involved in the PSE Alumni club's committee work or have further suggestions for us,
feel free to get in touch with us via