Who we are

Who we are

The core of the PSE Alumni Club...

...is the network of people sharing the passion for sport psychology and the desire to connect and thrive.

To keep the club life run smoothly, we need dedicated, inspiring and diligent leaders to take responsiblity and coordinate the club, organize events as well as manage our members and the finances.

The team behind the PSE Alumni Club consists of an executive board of four members and four committees which each set a specific focus. Within the team we represent all current student cohorts, starting with the class of 2016.

Below you find the team members and the faces behind the comittees.

/ The committees

Event committee

The Event committee organizes the annual get-together of the PSE Alumni Club. In addition, the committee offers several online events throughout the year, in which renown scientists as well as applied sports psychologists report about their profession and experiences.

Sign up for the newsletter to stay updated.

Committee head: Lukas Thönißen

Media committee

The Media committee is the creative eye of the club. It is responsible for the club's corporate design, public relations and social media. It creates an external appearance by designing flyers and updating the website as well as photographing events. Check out our social media channels and stay tuned with our regular updates via the newsletter and published reports in the press.

Open position, interim head of the commitee: Executive Board.


Research committee

The Research committee aims to support young researchers through mentorship and assistance regarding research-related topics. The committee arranges the exchange between fellow researchers as well as experts. Our objective is to help increase both the quality and quantity of sport psychological research not only in Germany, but around the world.

Committee head: Tina Schreiner & Milan Faust.  research@pse-alumni.com

Peer-consultation committee

The Peer-consultation committee provides a platform for alumni and current students to share their experiences in applied and scientific sport psychological work. The committee facilitates the connection among members and experts and offers (informal) exchange structures. Its ultimate aim is to share and learn together.

Committee head: Pei-Ling Kuo


To provide our members with a direct and personal exchange in order to assist in various domains of applied and scientific practice, the aim of the peer-consultation committee is also to offer 1:1 mentorships. These are created by matching requests with experienced mentors who offer their help.

Head of Mentoring: Antonia Schubert

/ Executive board



Antonia is studying the M.SC. PSE. She loves beach volleyball and besides to that, aims to develop herself and the people around her in an ambitious manner.





Valeria was part of the first cohort of the M.Sc. PSE and now works as a PostDoc in the field of sport and family psychology. As a researcher, it is important to her to pass on scientific findings to a wider audience.





Constantin is currently studying PSE and aims to work in (youth) sport.

If you are interested in getting involved in our comittees, you are always welcome to join and help us improve the work of the club! Get in touch with us via hi@pse-alumni.com.
